Aerial 360° Stills

Aerial 360° Stills

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Magic Air is the only aerial company in the world that delivers Ultra High Resolution images from helicopters. Together with our partners we have developed a 360° rig which holds 10 Hasselblad 50Mp cameras. All 10 cameras are synchronised and creates a full 360° view in one exposure. This enables the user to zoom the image up to 10 times in an interactive application that functions as a visual interactive experience. Go-To points can be added in order to jump from one image/location to the next. This feature can also be used in a standard web page, with high resolution film, advertisements etcetera - all can be customised and filtered to meet your particular points of interest.

For feature films this rig can be used to shoot plates, which we did for the Norwegian feature film ´Resien til Julestjernen´.
+ 47 934 90 912

10 x Hasselblad 50Mp aerial addition (360 plates)

Ladybug 5